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Ships to sail directly over the north pole by 2050, scientists say

"Melting sea ice will allow ice-strengthened vessels to sail directly over the pole, and normal ships to take the 'northern sea route'"


UK needs 'plan B' for new nuclear power, say MPs

"The government needs a "plan B" on nuclear power, because of the danger that new reactors will not be built in time to avoid energy shortages and possible blackouts, an influential committee of MPs has warned."

Category: Energy sources


Shale gas lobbyist urges UK companies to publicly disclose use of all chemicals

"Revamped UK Onshore Operators Group says voluntary guidelines will help industry show it can 'access shale in an environmentally sensitive but also economic way'"


Virtual autopsy: does it spell the end of the scalpel?

"Scientific advances have led experts to pioneer the 'virtopsy', a non-invasive imaging process which can reveal details conventional methods would have missed"

Category: Medical Physics


The race to create 'insect cyborgs'

"Why make tiny flying drones when you can fly real insects by remote-control? It could lead to a neuroscience revolution, explains Emily Anthes in an excerpt from her new book Frankenstein's Cat"

Category: Robotics, Weapons

Displaying results 66 to 70 out of 2977